This was a very interesting week, full of lots of fun and interesting things:
Monday evening I did my last mini exchange with Elder Nelson. We were biking in Texarkana which is a blast cause you can just yell out to people as you Go! We went over to a member's house cause Elder Nelson wanted to say good bye. The Sisters also came and we talked for quite a while there. Elder Nelson and I didn't say much though cause we were busy eating an entire pizza which had been placed on our laps, if they didn't want the entire thing consumed they shouldn't have given us the whole thing! Afterwards we got some Shave Ice and Elder Nelson told me some more crazy stories from His life. Overall it was super fun, even though it is hard to keep up with a beanstalk on a bike.
Tuesday we drove back to New Boston. Then every single thing we had planned proceeded to disintegrate haha--it was hilarious to see. We had someone we were teaching tell us to not come back cause she wasn't interested even though last time she told us she knows the church is true. We tried to offer her a card so that she ever changed her mind she could call us and she waved it away saying, "I won't ever be interested." We are kind of baffled as to what made her want to stop meeting with us, she claims to have prayed about it and said that she got an answer to stop meeting meeting with us. And we know that isn't true so I guess we will just have investigate a bit more hehe
We did a bunch of street contacting which was super fun, and when we stopped by another person we are teaching. Someone yelled to get the f off her porch and then said you have to the count of 5, and started counting down. I would have liked to see what she did to us, and was very tempted to wait around, but we decided to instead just leave a friendly card and leave. That will probably make her feel horrible hehehe >:)
After this the work was finished, so that's that! The unhallowed hand has stopped the work.
Don't worry, that was a joke. The work will only be finished once I am gone :)
We also met our new district leader Elder Bagley cause they had to stop in New Boston to get gas. I think he may have been a bit disconcerted by some of our jokes, but he will have get used to it!
Wednesday morning something spooky and hilarious happened. Imagine this:
1. You wake up
2. You drowsily roll out of bed into your praying position
3. As you slowly wake up you become more aware of some faintish chanting
4. The more you wake up the louder it becomes
5. Still muddled, you walk out of your bedroom to look around, and finally end up figuring out it's coming from next door
6. You are now fully awake and you can hear what is being said
7. "Halleuiah (then a bunch of stuff about Jesus, and speaking in 'tongues' and maniacal laughs, and more chanting prayers and so on)"
8. Now that you are awake you can hear it anywhere in your house, and the chanting and craziness goes on for 40 minutes
This was us! It was crazy haha--Elder Maisey just got back in our beds and listened cause it was too intriguing to excerize!
Later in the afternoon we got a call from the Social media specialists which are Elder Gammet, Elder John Kennedy (this is not a joke), and none other than Elder Nelson! Elder Nelson is a SMS for the 2nd time for the last week before he goes home. We had a fun call with them, we are being called as the Zone Reps for our Zone again this transfer, so that will be fun! In the evening we taught Doris again (I'm not sure I've talked about her before, but you can't expect me to take 15 seconds out of my busy schedule to check if I have). Doris is cool, we have now taught her literally everything, and she has read the Book of Mormon multiple times. The only problem is she refuses to come to church until her son can come with her in HIS car (she doesn't want a ride) and his car is waiting on some parts to be shipped. We don't know what else to do, cause dropping her wouldn't be a good idea, but also she NEEDS to come. So I guess we will just kidnap her and drag her to church. When we got back to our apartment we made nests and set up our phones as a makeshift mini TV and started watching the Book of Mormon videos. It's really fun, I highly recommend it! If you haven't watched the Book of Mormon videos, I might have to take care of some business.
Thursday was fairly normal, we had mission conference. We also walked around and ended up finding someone!
Friday was a very good day we had a Zoom Zone Rep meeting in the morning, and then in the afternoon we had a surprise lesson with Mark! We met him at a restaurant at which he tried to buy us lunch, which I immediately regretted declining, argh! But our lesson with him went really well. He said the closing Prayer, and said "Thank you for telling me the Book of Mormon is true" in his prayer. We jumped audibly when he said this cause he had not told us this news. It was awesome, he is so ready! Afterwards we biked around New Boston which was pretty bikey.
In the evening we drove to Hooks and met a girl who I found on Facebook to give her a copy of the Book of Mormon! It was awesome, Facebook works super well! I'm still on track with my goal to find at least 1 person on Facebook every transfer. We did some sick stopbys in Hooks, and then headed back to New Boston to get absolutely LOADED up with meat and food! A member loves to just give us so much food, it's amazing.
After that we did some Facebook at the park and a dude was biking by. We talked to him, and he's super cool! We taught him and got another lesson set up, making it another find.
Saturday was so fun, we went to the Church building in the morning to fill up the font. I've never gotten to climb the ladder to see the secret hidden second floor in a church building before, but now I have! We set up everything for Stephen's Baptism and then waited for people to arrive. The Sisters brought Trevor (someone they are teaching) and the Texarkana Elders also came. Mark was also able to make it. Luckily the Baptism went very smoothly. While they were changing we shared the first vision video and had a mini testimony meeting. It was really good. After the Baptism the Sisters said it was the best one they've ever been to and our DL said it was one of his most spiritual experiences. Mark asked is after "What's next, so I can be baptized!"
In the evening we ate the best Lasagna I have ever had, it even had bacon on top! We also found someone new to teach, lots of people like to come out and smoke and talk with us haha
Sunday church was good as usual, nothing to interesting happened. We taught Mark twice which was fun, and got to call the mission president to ask him some things. I spent a lot of my study time looking for a favorite Book of Mormon scripture. I can't pick one that everyone else loves, I want one that only I like. So if you have any ideas let me know, and then I will proceed to cross those off my list. :)
-Elder Nielson
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